Why were old games so much better and yet they had way less market and resources?
Is there any RTS where you get to keep your base instead of entering to a match different and also controlling troops?
I'm really surprised Crossfire: Legion isn't talked about more.
spyro art 🌟
What’s your favorite cheap car in GTA online?
YouTube has become unwatchable because of their interruptive ads.
[PC][Mid 2000] GTA like game from a demo disc where you start in a taxi in modern day
New players are not stupid, they just want to have fun: An opinion on the state of RTS and why I think the genre can pop off again.
The Asari and Salarian reaction to the reapers made sense
How did humanity even manage to survive long enough reach the DAOT?
Turians are bird aliens, right?
Why the OG triology only published on Gog?
Do you think Capcom will change this part of Alfred Ashford's character in a Code Veronica remake like some are suggesting? Do you even think they should?
Are Umbrella actually "the bad guys?"
What combination of characters would you want in Resident Evil 9?
Is RE3 remake worth playing if I’ve never played the original?
Why everyone hates this puzzle?
Resident Evil 4 Is Still the King of Horror Gaming 20 Years Later
Is resident evil 2 worth playing if i didnt really enjoy resident evil 4 remake?
If you could remove 1 thing from any RE game (including spinoffs), what would it be?
Is there anything you think the Resident Evil 3 Remake does better than the original?
Does it bother you that it should be called Racoon City Police Department RCPD instead of RPD.
[RE6] What is your opinion on the Tall Oaks Outbreak in Leon's Champaign, gameplay and/or storywise?
Whats a "Yea its time to log off" moment for you in RE(any game)
california rn