i need a clear guidance on this champ
Birthday: Sett Today on January 14, 5 years ago in 2020, Sett, The Boss was Released!
What’s the standard go to sett build top rn ?
Mordekaiser, Volibear, or Warwick?
Why build certain builds?
Your Teammates Aren't Worse Than You
What's a champion that used to be picked a lot in the past but has now become unpopular?
Blue Lock Guess Who (R2)
how do i deal with these match-ups on top ?
Shield Bash
How do you counter gragas top?
New Kai'Sa skin looks strange...
Bruh how do i break the chain-combos or at least dodge them?[Keyboard]
I need help for Gragas Top
Tank Gragas build for split 3
Rare sub 40% champ score
real struggle into riven matchup and playing darius
question about builds(runes,summ. spells) for certain machups
How do i become more consistent with gragas build path on top?
can you comeback as sion who got camped 5 mins straight?
looking for up-to-date guide for udyr top
Top lane champions that are always in the meta
struggling to split pushing with losing side/team when playing as split pusher champ
I really need help starting up KoboldAI online or installed.
gragas top build/runes recommended?