A miracle
What name would you put him?
Stable, straight mids
Never caught a bass, this is all my supplies, what do I do
Who bags multiple putter molds
What would yall throw here?
What do you call this trick?
What was the last disc you took out of your bag and why did you remove it?
to point out actual antisemitism
What are these?
“ You can’t handle the truth” All time favourite monologue in Movies. What are yours?
For The Love Of God Please Make A [Your Disc Here]
Do you have any tips for keeping shoes fresh?
Used rack gems
23f try and make it funny I need a good laugh
Give me your weird/fun discs!
Which dystopian movie is most likely to become a reality?
Yes. Thank you.
Which movie has the most unexpected death?
Work in VT, live in Keene
Do most men find this body type attractive ?
So… New plugs and wires and we’re still bopping up and down on RPM’s, and still misfiring.
Shifting Gears premieres today. Are you excited ? Will you be watching ?
Drone Operators of the Reconnaissance Company of the 60th Mechanized Brigade deliver a grenade to a Russian invader in the Terny Region [7.1.25]