Citi Premier Questions Velocity
What are you up to now?
Guys, what kind of underwear do you wear?
Aunt Betty and Viet Air Name change question
uncut the best
Citi premier or platinum?
Scale from 1-10 how horny are you on a regular basis?
Before bed
"works with Sonos" not consistently turning on receiver - any advice?
How do you wipe?
What’s happened to hardware and support in Australia
Manscape or no manscape?
Who’s the last person to see your dick that wasn’t your significant other?
Do you answer the phone while on the toilet?
Masturbating on the toilet?
foreskin or no foreskin guys?
How do you feel about piss play?
Do you prefer cut or uncut? I’m cut but always wished I was uncut.
Are you masturbating right now?
What underwear you wearing today?
What are you wearing right now?
Why are you naked right now?
What time of the day are you most turned on?
Got off?
I was wondering, how often do guys and girls jerk off?