IA 10 license test pain .366 seconds off
Case of Triniti's for $99 - sharing the love
Got this wheel for $100 from a garage sale. Is it compatible with this game? This is my first gaming wheel.
Training for endurance? Gassed after 2.5 hour match in tournament. Lost the 2nd match immediately after.
What’s Good in Your World Today?
Other sports teams that have names that make less sense after they moved?
Just breaking it in…
More money in checking than assigned (the reverse of typical problem)
GT Lite & T248
spent 400 dollars on eating out
When do you pay your CC minimums? Confused by the CC "Payment" concept kinda...
What do y’all do with Monthly Savings/Savings Balance money? Just let it it sit in your account?
Good quality, relatively cheap, plain t-shirts. From international stores.
I asked over 50 People What They're Listening to on Their Headphones
Wanted to post some stickers I made recently
Good morning and happy Sunday! My living room needs Jesus. Please help with layout and some recommendations on what pieces I'm lacking.
Did 200 miles Sunday just blasting with some friends all on old 1970s kit . The Yamaha did well . Loved every minute. Sometimes 70 mph is enough to have some fun .
Morning hike up Flatiron a few weeks ago
is anyone else's notion down? my desktop app is offline and I've tried 2 different browsers and they both say "this site can't be reached" but notion is working for a couple of my other friends
Played BF1 - Didn't like it! In praise of BF5's movement
So the scope on the STG was used during WW2. For the accurate and realism lads out there, its good to know.
What are the essential cleaning products? I’m trying to help my mom be more up to date with her cleaning. Here’s a pic of my cat
Someone put my favourite white shirt with the colours and now it's been patch dyed blue. Is there any way other than bleach which I can use to get it out?(hard to get bleach due to currently being quarantined)
Boys and girls I hit my goal weight this morning!!! 5’9 65kg 24m
Forbidden Snacks