Respect Shiva, the Destroyer! (Complete Analysis of Shiva's overwhelming power)
Record of Ragnarok : Popularity Poll '24 Results!
Shoutout to the characters who kick ass without powers
JJK S02 References & Homage to other anime
r/Snv Rounds Popularity Poll [DAY 05], Round 2 is next to go!
More overrated stuff
r/Snv Rounds Popularity Poll [DAY 04], Round 9 is next to go!
I want to continue the trend
r/Snv Rounds Popularity Poll [DAY 03], Both starting rounds are eliminated!
Apoc R1 is eliminated in a very unexpected twist!
Record of Ragnarok Power tier list [Post Round 10]
r/SnV Rounds Popularity Poll '25 is here!
Some more of my takes lol
What do you guys think is the most racist/offensive thing that the manga can do.
Ragnorok- Yggdrassil
Potential Counters to Adam
Enough time has passed....
A little Kinshara Butodan appreciation
Enough time has passed
Culling has been completed!
Who in record of ragnarok could adapt to sakanade
Time to cull some emojies!
Say, what type of bird is this? 🤔
Please fandom admins
Adam is really an old character