Cheap and healthy proletarian food in/around Nicosia centre
so i can just never finish reading?
My Dad Was Shot At in Beirut, Crime is getting worse in Lebanon
Why don't KFC hot wings taste the same as they used to ?
If death sits next to you in a bar and says "finish your drink, it's time to go." what will be your response?
Lebanese women: u encounter dirty taxi drivers like this man?
When that nostalgia hits
13 yro, any suggestions on how to improve
Organes and lemons
Good quality jeans in Cy
Stainless steel cutlery
Should i quit learning Greek?
Why are these webtoons low-rated?
Is there any hope for this nation?
What does behwil mean (I think spelt بهول)
I made this piece yesterday with oil pastel on black paper, what would you call this?
Frothing at the mouth for stories with classic knights and maidens
What clothing style makes a woman attractive and beautiful to you?
Your thoughts on this
3 years sober 55kg down and haven’t missed my bipolar meds once keeping me stable ☺️
Why do tourists come when it's too hot?
what isnt as attractive as most girls think it is?
Can anyone recommend a fantasy romance webtoon?
A song that can make you cry.
Best and worst coffee shop chains?