What is actually self-love ?
Recordad cancelar las citas del médico cuando no vayáis.
Podría obtener ayuda de servicios sociales?
Consejo, liquidación cierre tienda
How do you feel about “gifts” from buyers?
why does it feel so much harder when you're muslim?
Por qué usáis Wallapop?
Estoy jodidísimo
Guardar en favoritos
El comprador recoge el paquete pero no le da a OK
Compradora no quiere el artículo
Duda con los envios de paquetes grandes
Depression not a medical condition?
I peed myself in public television because I tried to please my Asian mother
I can't even blame the customer service
AO3 authors apparently not talented or "real" authors 🤔
¡Vamos! #UnDíaParaConvertirteEnHéroe #DosDíasParaVerALosHerederosDeCrisos
How do you make physical activity... not boring?
Reading this hit me
3 días más 🥺 #TresDíasParaSeguirLosHilosDorados
Creen que la vida sin hijos tenga sentido ?
The rope where my jacket was hanging broke
I need a human sized dog bed for reasons. I know someone here has to have one, please advise.
Maybe it's just me but forcing employees to wear a shirt that says "I love my job!" seems a little degrading.
Too many, right?