Enter stage right (nightmare Kingdom)
Former evil Wizards, what was the incident that changed you?
Vote blue orb!
Vote for Ith'Raal. He will slice your problems in half.
I have encountered this peculiar ingot, it burns my skin and the local blacksmith has no clue as to what it is
Not a sorceror, but I REALLY hate those bookworms. just intuit your magic like the rest of us.
Nobody Understands Council Elections…
The Corpse of Atriox Concedes
Remember, we don't have any catfolk in the council!
Vote for Agnu, because this catfish won’t catfish you
The Vote Begins!!
Glimbo: Funny name. Serious business.
Wizard Council Candidate Banquet
As the cutest magic mass i declare the MAGIC MASS REVOLUTIONARY FRONT!
If you vote for me, promise to remove their stench from the streets!
EON: New Laws and International Security
if Exia had whatsapp or something
“Someone hacked my orb.”
Have you decided to vote for M yet?
I want to assure you all that I am not running for council. Please stop trying to vote for me.
Is he starting fires? Is he putting them out?
The Council needs change. Now.
The council needs a new perspective, Vote Chelle for council!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!!
An Adorable and Insidious Plot (Plaguepost)