When do the tantrums stop?
Is my nose too big? Or will fixing my chin be the solution
Are there romantic opportunities for ugly/unattractive women?
If your ex suddenly came back and wanted to talk, what's the first thing you'd say?
Need some positive stories & experiences
27 days post op - still can’t quite believe I have a flat stomach for the first time in my life!
So what do you do for yourselves?
Why are Parents so Against Meds?
Almost 7 weeks post op- tummy tuck and muscle repair. Keeps getting better 🙈😊
I love to add a little something even to work out clothes
Am I overreacting that I’m upset my friends are on ozempic ?
When do people start treating you differently because of age?
I really into streetwear, how can I improve it?
What do you think about taking a solo road trip?
If there was a pill to cure autism, would you give it to your child ?
Jealous of people who are on ozempic for weight loss
Tomorrow is my day!
Parents of autistic children- if you knew now what you didn’t know when they were infants, would you have done anything different?
Insecure! Help?
Woman above 25 do you find timothee chalame attractive ?
Childs Mom Hates Being a Mom and Refuses to Accept Son is Severely Autistic
I’m done. I’m tossing in the towel.
I am sick if beeing fat and want ti be fit
Do you think a great body can make someone more attractive if their face isn’t considered conventionally attractive?