Happy Birthday
Stremch (I have no idea what the red is)
Stupid fucking lesbians
Anyone ever consider moving to Marquette because of JPTWY?
I need a book that‘ll destroy me
What are some torture/executions most people haven't heard of?
Photos from our engagment shoot!
The lifestyle you have always wanted overlooking the Greatest Lake in the World.
Oof.. when you can’t unhear the screams.
Baffled by students' lack of agency, or their just being weird
More student tattoos?!
For those who used a computer between 1995 and 2001, what’s the computer game from that time that sticks with you the most, and why?
I hate the word “kiddos”
Brain empty, nothing but orange
My mom lit a cigarette in my new house after I told her how much money I spent to fix the smoke smell
How many of you silently judge students’ parents?
Living in the U.S. makes me distraught
What did you grow up believing that ended up being a complete lie?
Why is New Year's Eve so depressing?
Where were you 25 years ago on New Year's Eve 1999?
Found hinge on my fiancé’s saved passwords.
My mom died humiliated and sad.
What is something you hate the most but have to do everyday?
Who is the scariest character you’ve ever read?
for the women who ended up dating their best friend, how did that go?