Interested in a project build, how much would you estimate to fix up the front on this evo?
Had to change my waterpump since it had a massive leak..this happend to anyone else?
Pakile järgi minnes sõitke ikka ukse ette kõnniteele, mis sest, et parkla on sealsamas kõrval.
First start of the day
OEM EVO 9 BBS wheels for sale, testing waters for pricing
he is no longer with us. press L to pay respects 😔
Keskmine kandidaadi nägu 2023. aasta Riigikogu valimistel
335iposting week 3
Here we go again! Complete Super Trofeo Evo 2 kit.
ATH ravimite söömine lihtsalt selleks, et rohkem töötada/õppida
I will legit take a bullet for the person who identifys this song
Got some new wheels. The fitment turned out pretty good
Turbo went out with a bang
An emotionless bot
Anon doesnt rule the world
Raha kasvatamine
Balance shaft delete VS changing bearings
/biz/ ruined Anon's life
Anon works in big corpo
Thoughts on blacking out headlights
Building a startup is hard (duh) but what do you think was the hardest part?
Anon is having trouble with women
Well I took the plunge and pulled my tired B18 out of the 122. Low compression across the board. Going for a full rebuild, any suggestions?