What type are your parents and how did it affect your childhood?
Hot take about the "unhealthy 2 mom"
Said who? "Cannibalism isn't necessarily a negative, if you're safe about it and you do it with someone you trust. Just don't cut too deep. Some body parts can grow back."
Which type can think like that?
is this a 7 thing to avoid studying?
Gained confidence is not less valuable than natural confidence
Fundamental beliefs of SO doms?
Comparing FOMO in type 7 and type 4
help, I suck at dating
Social 4 Authors, Musicians, Filmmakers, or Artists?
I interpreted the template liberally :3
"I want to fit in" SO Type 4?
Why Cynicism and Gullibility go together (Sorry, 6s)
9s - How is your inertia?
I notice 7s are always “the optimistic type” but i dont relate to that discribtion at all any others that relate to this?
Thought I’d hop on the trend even though I often question my own type anyway
Kyle tells Vaush he should debate again
hi reddit
What do you think is dangerous for society/everyone?
This generation is poisoned
What hill are you willing to die on?
Which type(s) do y’all think are more likely to be like “you shouldn’t complain about anything, be grateful for what you have” or “why can’t we all just get along despite disagreeing (perhaps even fundamentally)?”
are they fs a type 4
7 or 9?
Roast my type sx/sp 748