Y'en a qui en ont de la chance
Who was the US president when you were born?
Quel est votre relation avec les vêtements ?
Oh I didn't even notice
If you pause The Silence of the Lambs (1991) on this frame, the movie will not play any further until you will click pause button again.
Pourquoi prononce-t-on le FBI 'ef bi aye' alors qu'on prononce CIA 'cé i a' et pas 'ci aye ey' ?
Pourquoi la décalco-manie est-elle mambo ?
Which is better Jurassic Park 3 or Fallen Kingdom?
Pensez-vous que l'opinion des hommes devrait être exclue du débat sur le droit à l'avortement ?
Is this scene a reference to the famous moment in which DK gets a blowjob by a lightning ball ?!?
Le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière
Hey guys can someone tell me what the f this is
Pourquoi le streamer Ishowspeed est toujours à poil ?
An amazing montage I just found that deserves way more views - Journey Through Cinema
Did we forget about Arkham World ? Are we stupid ?
Comme il paraît que chacun a une mémoire plutôt auditive ou visuel, existe-t-il une mémoire olfactive ?
Which game has the best ending (main plot ending) ?
I thought you all were psychopaths but completing Fiddler's challenges made me realize you were right all along, insanity is the only escape from society
I added some life to one of the oldest MOC my father made
Tu préfères perdre la vue ou perdre tous tes autres sens, sauf la vue ?
Villager has been ELIMINATED! Comment a character you want removed and I'll pick the most upvoted one!
Why did they make he more attractive than ever? Am I horny?
C’est dur d’être un mec.
Game Crashing When Using Toy Pad Emulator
What’s something that new/modern gamers won’t understand?