OTF 1x/week only
A way to "stick" to the rower seat on challenges?
Which would you do?
Why does it feel like Lunges and Shoulders are in every workout?
Strength only?
Growing Glutes
Transformation challenge
The Struggle to find more 3G classes.
Strength50 going away?
Daily Workout and General Chat for Saturday, 11/30/24
More ab workouts recently?
Muscle mass gains and OTF - time for an experiment
Anxiety about returning
Thursday 21 November 2024 - 2G 60 minutes
Daily Workout and General Chat for Wednesday, 11/20/24
Bad Photobomb Timing
Holidays and OTF
If Einstein went to OTF.
Just seeing the Wegovy commercial infuriates me (yes, it is muted)
I suppose Liberty has finally run out of terrible ideas? "Face Palm"
I’m losing muscle not fat, any ideas?
Fallen off rower during benchmark
200m Row Benchmark Results and Survey Megathread
Is OTF + 24/7 gym doable?
Summertime, do you prefer the "emptier classes" or, do you miss the "energy" ?