Message app freezing
In true divisive fashion, Kyler Murray has won day 4!
Summon Rush event - what are your thoughts?
Men who have had a vasectomy, why did you do it and do you feel regret?
Likelihood of getting these champions- new player
If flushable wipes are job security for plumbers, then what is job security for firefighters?
$60k for a fun car
Are (you) men over 30 craving being social ?
Is Jojo really that bad?
Is the revival path worth?
Drew Stanton wins day 3!
Just imagine a world without streetlights and other artifical lights. How would a night look?
What is the biggest mistake you’ve ever done, it could be when you were first starting out or, it could be now even experience to players make mistakes
From 25kgs to 42kgs in two years! Loving my progress
Would You Take Your Wife's Last Name?
Guys that are tall (6'+) and weigh less than 200 lbs, what do you eat everyday?
I was severely underweight for my height (6'4) at around 150lbs. Currently I'm sitting at 240lbs. (7 years of working out and eating 4-5 times a day)
Why are you hesitant to buy a house even though your income is so high?
What is your least favorite faction
Ok, Day 2
Anyone think I should reroll this? very unfortunate for me as its partially good
What is the best video game of all time?
Here is what I believe to be the very first step that must be taken in order to ensure a better future:
If you had $20,000,000,000 what would you do to help humanity?