How is wanting children to wait until they’re 18 to transition transphobic? Shouldn’t maturity be a criteria for irreversible life choices?
What's the best, or your favorite song with female vocals?
What's your opinion on Timothy Olyphant?
I'm looking for books full of human misery.
Every Show Has One, Day 4, The Only Normal Person.
Movies and TV shows where an unbelievably conventionally attractive woman is bullied and outcast by her peers.
Dude insulted my boyfriend, so I danced with him
Someone has tried to log into my Microsoft account every 2 hours for years
(Spoilers extended) I feel bad for GRRM
What do you do while listening to the books?
If we as a society had the ability to bring someone back from the past who would it be?
Is it weird/ wrong to be a 28 year old man that masturbates most nights before sleep?
What’s the most helpful thing a therapist has told you?
Holy shit what a boring-ass fight
AIO my best friend’s new boyfriend threw my homemade cake in the bin on my birthday
My fiance just won a $200,000 scratcher!
What books do you have personal beef with?
Today I did a thing, and I am Damn proud of it.
What are some films with incredible endings?
Thoughts on this? Yes it’s a tattoo
If you woke up with $1 million in the bank tomorrow, what would be your first purchase?
Anybody want to adopt a noob for an online campaign?
I found this masterpiece I made in 5th grade
What’s a horror movie everyone loves but you hate?
One franchise you would revive?