Is m13 legendary (carrot cutie) worth buying?
A rocket fell 20m from my brother on his way to work today. Fuck Israel.
An israeli soldier and a half were reportedly killed in the south
Windows closed or open?
I just want peace
My Sister and I
I remain, weary and still, in the fast pace of things.
It’s getting out of hand… I LOVE Slumberous nights🤣
I’m about to give up
"حزب الله": هاجمنا ثكنة حانيتا مما أدى إلى إصابة دبابتين وناقلة جند وعدد من القتلى والجرحى بصفوف الجيش الإسرائيلي
Who is this? And is he rare?
Day 5 on a oil painting
If Not America, then Where?
What is your favorite thing to say when something goes terribly wrong? (Lebanese Edition)
We are all a big cell
Can someone remove my girlfriend (on the right) from this image?
In a world of electrons, be a proton
Books that have shaped your views on life?
Do you feel the pandemic/vaccine made your brain not function properly?
Reverence for Death, Me, Digital, 2022
‘Keeper of Secrets’, me, digital paint, 2022.
Portrait Study, me, Digital Painting, 2022
Axolotl Cupcake, Me, Digital, 2022
Lion Hearts, Me, Digital, 2022
Juggling Bear, Me, Digital Animation, 2022