GenX Double Feature Friday
Who was the hottest woman in a hair metal video?
What have you GenXsplained recently?
All male Bananarama tribute band
Looking for spy parody movies similar to Jean Dujardin’s OSS 117 trilogy & James Coburn’s Our Man Flint movies.
What’s an animal that you WOULD want a facehugger to impregnate? In other words, based on host, which kind would be easiest to deal with?
Who is the guitarist that made you love and buy your first Les Paul guitar?
Married GenXers: what was your “wedding song”?
I am asking you again to get the colonoscopy done
What's a single line of horror movie dialogue that chilled you to the bone?
Name this band?
Bands you love that are very different from your typical listening taste?
My parents in the 70s
What’s a slept-on horror gem from the 2000s that’s still a killer watch?
What's a scam that everyone just accepts as normal?
What immediately tells you that a person wasn't raised right?
What do you think is the toughest thing the Ginsu could have cut through?
I turned 45 today. Is it ok if I hang out with you guys?
I am a lawyer and entrepreneur interested in a career in the music industry
Where do you stand on the regular wearing of concert shirts?
If you drank a lot in your younger days, When did you stop? Why / what made you stop ?
The first generation to not care into old age
What’s a live act you were lucky to see in their prime?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
I want some lesser known rock music - female lead