Custodes knight
My custodes knight
WIP Telemon shadowkeeper
Unless I am missing it, is there /andor is there a .2 mm nozzle for the K2?
Pla+ or pa6 cf?? Alot of folks recommend pla+ but wouldn't pa6 cf be more suited for firearms?
Upgrade from a $30 Amazon airbrush…
Second time I've ever painted something
Override manufacture chamber temp limit
Mark your calendars. Something amazing is coming your way on the September 20th.
Q1 Pro, filament run out sensor constantly triggered when printing with TPU
Thoughts on Creality Harlot One Plus
Orca slicer multi color
Q1Pro AMS confirmed (?)
Multi Material on the Way? Firmware Update
New to qidi printers.
Should I do it?
Will the Q1 Pro make decent first printer?
Ordered a KE and discovered hours after about the blob issue, how bad is it?
e3 ke or se?
Is this a good first printer?
Not asking just saying it's getting sent regardless. Tpu
Can i use the K1 hotend for the KE?
Is Qidi's heated chamber such a big deal ?
Kevlar nylon