And people said argus is weaker after the patch
Is Faramis a good hero to play?
You know you are cooked when you see this
What's the strongest level 1 hero?
Redownloaded the game and it immediately reminded me why I had stopped playing in the first place
Chill guy
I am a YSS gold lane. Often outfarm enemies' mm by 2 3 4k gold at around 10 mins in game and deal the most damage most game. Ask me anything
Result of Solo Queue using a Mage
Final balance changes for Clash Royale - November 2024, Season 65
Life of an exp laner
Hero draft guide for beginner
Final balance changes for Clash Royale - October 2024, Season 64
This why you read the terms and conditions🙏👅
Uomi's tier list
Basic under RM2000
Anyone understand the logic in calling this 4-card deck “0.6 cycle”?
Daily reminder of how tall Melodie is
G*blins 🤮
Who was OP at one point but got nerfed to the ground? I’ll start.
Players with wr below 50% should be banned from Ranked mode until...
M-my Kazuchad would never reach a low point like this 🗣️‼️
My little cousin got scammed using MY tng ewallet
2 days after MK evolution released coincidence? I think not