Favorite character that needs no introduction
Favorite sonic
How do I say it's name?
There is NOTHING wrong with this card.
Why hate one but not the other?
What card seems to just really throw off your opponent?
Favorite non-human character?
favorite character that applies to this:
Y'all ain't committed.
Why do skylanders die?
This took me WAY too long to notice...
What if I told you there were 8 ditto's in this card...
There is a Mew on the joltick card. (Not the only hidden mew but this one took me the longest to notice)
The message made me think I WAS getting banned the first time I saw it.
What Pokemon do you think is underrated? I'll go first.
Favorite character that genuinely creeps you out?
Since we're in an online video game when is this legendary outfit gonna drop?
Never ask a woman her age, a man his salary and…
THAT one deck...
How do you guys feel about this? I'm honestly happy with it
What's my age based on my phone screen
Tell me your favorite Skylander from SWAP Force