The virgin mapinguari vs the chad mokele-mbembe
La importancia de tener educación y criterio propio
[No Loopholes] Get $100,000 a year, but you have to smoke 3 cigarettes every morning when you wake up
The Death Angels invade the world of the last thing you watched. How does it go?
whattt countries are y’all from?
Daniel Salazar’s actor
Is this realistic enough to fool someone?
When did you realise you are watching greatest anime of all time
Playing with a snapping turtle
Do you think will we ever discover mapinguari before it became extinct? Why havent scientist discover mapinguari yet despite there so many expedition to find new species in amazon?
Talk crap about Chinese bikes but you can't deny they're as capable as dependable 2 wheeled trucks in the east
$XTIA DD to those who don’t know
KULR Adds More BTC Today. 430 Total as of Jan 6.
You're given 1,000$ each day until you exit your car.
5yo child still soils himself, starts school 20 days
Why is this a good investment?
Explanation for the Dogman encounters?
how high can this go?
What is Dogman?
"Wait til marriage." . . . "Words that make men disappear for 200 Alex."
$500 to $10,000 in a year at 16 (no options)
Why is the price going up?
(Current) Health Insurer Graphic [but this gonna change]🍀🍀🍀
Contacto para olla comun en Lima?
The Palantir shares you were thinking about buying on Monday, sell them.