Could Combine Synths survive on their own after the super portal closed?
Just got back into spore, and here's the first creature I made since my time back. Does anyone else do this, where they try to make the species look like its actually evolving?
Would your OC'S live in Hector's home country of Magnovia?
What kind of physical "flaws" does your oc have?
send me your ocs in the comments and scalene will tell you how they taste!
how tall are your OCs?
Adam Smasher vs. Largest T. Rex ever discovered (E.D. Cope)
Open the window, Homelander
Would you?
What would Cambrian animals have tasted like?
"Why am I getting a erection all of a sudden?"
As I laid paralyzed on the battlefield, I heard the robotic footsteps of a combat droid approaching me, I guess it was coming to finish me off.
New ship just dropped
Who wins? The Qu, or me dressed up as a Krabby Patty when I was in SpongeBob the Musical?
[OT] What would your alias be if I were to write about you?
Probably the most obvious "who would win" but i'll still let you argue
How would the QU fair in the different eras of Warhammer?
How would Earth today fare against an invasion force from the Qu?
Body plans
Just thought I should share
Why didn't the colonials have "Fun"?
Who would win in a competition of who is more evil? (With facts) The Qu (The rightful rulers) /Versus/ AM (Cogito ergo sum)
Does All Tommorrows start with humans like us? When?
How does the Qu turn the people into those weird looking creatures?
Question about the Qu