If income didn’t matter, what job would you want? Why?
What are some changes you’ve had physically with age that you actually love?
getting your lunch time early SUCKS
Craziest thing you've heard from a customer?
pet peeves
Is there a word you just HATE?
What is something you found out about your spouse only after getting married?
Mercy Meals after funerals are awful
AIO for calling my boyfriend a creep bc he didn’t know how old I’m turning?
Is there…any benefit to taking on section leadership?
AITA for banning my FIL’s parents from ever seeing our children again?
Injury sustained outside of work… who do I tell???
What’s the weirdest thing someone has been fired for
"Barely meeting expectations"
Does anyone know what makes a cart do this?
Drama outside Goddard park
Who in your life are you the most jealous of and why?
What hobby sucks at first then becomes fun only when you get good enough at it?
If the child version of you appeared before you and asked, ‘Did we turn out okay?’ what would you say?
What's some brutally honest advice that everyone should know?
Feeling lost
AITA for refusing to give my mother access to my savings account even though she says it's for "family emergencies"?
What is something more traumatizing than people realise?
Levothyroxine and vyvanse