Favorite Fruits?
How much does your parrotlet eat?
which makeup style suits me best? pic 4 is from today & is my usual makeup
Are you just gonna scroll by without saying Hi to Puffman?
Name suggestions?
she wedges herself into my armpit, do ur geckos do this too? 😭😭
Can you have two parakeets in this cage?
Help me find a name for my new baby girl
Just found out my baby girl is gone
Which dress for formal New Year’s party??
Anyone else’s voids look like they’re always in shock?
Show me your shiny voids 🖤
Anyone else have any “cursed” images of their cats?
Is my gecko a bit small? He is 2 years old, I'm worried that he's maybe underweight
Silly (or not silly) name suggestions for this little guy
How many of you have a mini panther at home?
is she yawning or should i be concerned?
How did you get your void?
Crested gecko pale? He sticks fine and eats fine. I think I took a small bit of shed off his toe too. Is he about shed or did he already shed?
Is this too much?
Name ideas? Stupid, funny, pretty… I found her crying in the bushes at McDonald’s and she’s feisty and hyper but also incredibly sweet. Any idea what her age or breed could be?
New baby girl arrived today!! Help me decide on my names!
Boy or girl?
Broken Nail?