man i sure do love online only…
Changing Zombies HUD preset boots you to the main menu and prevents you from accessing the HUD tab again. This also breaks zombies and makes it unplayable.
Sums up The Tomb EE
Stupid question
Bo6 DLC maps
Ngl Tomb is a 4.9/10
Skin for weaver and Grey thsts included in the battlepass
Box Addict Chaos
24 Hours Till The Tomb
What other BO2 map makes you feel this way?
This is not a complaint, but I can't wrap my head around why the ice staff is the only staff in the tomb?
The Tomb EE Boss?
Open space for a 5th Playable Zombies character?
This is just useless
they gotta add those ones eventually, right??
الي جابو معدل سيء باول سمستر ورفعوه بالثاني.. وش سويتو بالضبط عشان تتفادون اخطاء الترم الي راح
Are we seriously gonna sit here and say bo6 maps all feel the same? Stop the delusion. Please
If you had to describe BO3 using only one word, what would it be?
The Detective Boys episode I actually enjoyed.
Life Size Double Tap 2.0 work in progress update 2
I've spent 250K, it's been two hours, I'm literally tripping over Ray Guns.. JUST GIVE ME THE KNIFE SO I CAN UNLOCK NEBULA
Man I love online only.
Next perk predictions?
level 600 but i don't feel anything inside
when they said that the picky eater augment for vulture aid has a high chance of dropping your current tactical, they really meant EVERY tactical