What happened to Jessi’s neck?
Sugar drinks
Dakota’s new single dad era
S2 returns in May !
Taylor's story
Guys, Momtok survived this!!
What to expect for umbilical hernia repair?
Spigelean Hernia suspicion
Could I have a Spigelian Hernia?
"I neverrrr look at Reddit." How in the crap do people actually believe that?
Some of you need a reminder the girls are real people too. Stop with the body shaming and making up stories.
What's your opinion on therapy?
Anyone refuse to take pain meds for simple issues out of fear of addiction
Palpitations when yelling
Health anxiety is ruining my life.
Miranda at MomTok Christmas
Does anyone else think it’s weird Taylor has been posting her ex? Isn’t he married?
Wtf zac? And Dakota
This guy is…
Those whose babies don’t sleep in the bassinet - how are you surviving?
Why do y’all expect rich people to give away THEIR money ?
The Vegas trip & Chippendales
is jen going to be in season 2 or not?
On November 4th 2020, Alex Rupp fatally shot his pregnant wife who he mistook for an intruder. He was sentenced to 5 years of probation.
Mayci discussion