Delivery Domino's ή Teleperformance?
Cat was locked 5 days without food or water, is he ok now?
I 'm losing my mind over bed bugs and I wonder if I should be.
What song did he listen to
Frogs - Edited with early fade out
Down in a Hole. Alice in Chains has been my biggest funnel to cope somehow the past year since I listened to them and fell in love. Developed a big passion for singing somehow. I just wanted to share this with you guys, I 'm not a pro or anything, it's my time onstage. Thanks for watching!
Ibanez sr305eb-wk, newly bought, sounds like a fart.
Audioslave - Like a Stone, my first live as a beginner, I got rather good feedback overall, I missed some notes, what can you do! What criticism would you give me? Thank you very much!
I 'm scared I have acquired vocal nodules.
Man In The Box (acoustic cover)
any beginner friendly AIC songs?
nutshell cover
What is best ergo chair for $200 of amazon?
Feedback? How do I sound
I’m not sure if my falsetto is some kind of cat language, but whenever I sing this song my cat cant resist
Do I have a fitting timber for this genre? Is my voice "pleasant"? Also, how do I strain less on those high notes? I don't like me at all there.
Going 37M, feeling very down, I don't know if this belongs here, I don't know where to go.
Native Camera Tweaks mod just doesn't work for me.
Have I bricked it, trying to upgrade?
Is this a technique? Can you name it please? I accidentally pulled it off recording stuff and I 'd love to reproduce it, love its sound, thank you!
New to boots, is there something similar to the AR8 Broncos by JimGreen for wide feet? Budget around 350.
Is this what I think it is?
Should I go to Nightsong or kill everyone on Moonrise first?
I did my best to recreate Wayne Static's vocal style on my latest video - Static-X "Get to the Gone" - Let me know what ya think! I think I KILLED the end!
I accidentally went to Act 2 before the underdark.