How do you best combine cardio with lifting?
Upgrading from the Hario Mini Slim: Fastest Grinder for Better Brews
"muss ned schmegge, muss wirke"
M/30/185cm [89kg > 75kg = 14kg] | 6 months | Complete bodybuilding journey of 70 weeks (started 82,7kg, cutted to 79,2, bulked to 89,65 and cutted to 75kg
70 weeks natural bodybuilding with a coach
713 days, my life changed
185cm, currently 79kg, 16 weeks in cut, what do you think?
Dual Damage in action and Roller watches from side
Today is my first year sober
Abgestoßenes Gittertier abends auf dem Edeka-Parkplatz :(
What have you learned that you think is underrated and no one talks about?
30 minutes before lift… what would you eat?
We’re giving away this brand new Onewheel GT S-Series ($3,650+ value)! 🤯 Enter to win in comments.
China officially approves EHang's unmanned flying taxis for commercial use after nearly 4,000 test flights since 2017, carrying two passengers at speeds up to 130 km/h.
Is it possible to get channel your gaming addiction intentionally into being 'addicted' to something else? Like a skill or hobby? Has anyone had success intentionally 'gamifying' or channeling something else?
Monitorerhöhung Marke Kopierpapier, deutsche Ämter sind top ausgestattet!
Quit League of Legends. Posting for the accountability.
gg is the best tho
Face the Rage - Dreamfields 2022 - Clip 2
Face the Rage - Dreamfields 2022 - Clip 1
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