Solo player here, Should I sell my Polaris with LTI to create a smaller fleet? I Often find myself extremely bored.... All the Ships in this Image are LTI.
Polaris betrayal
RE2 Question: Is there ever a way to start this scenario without ending up being a zirax enemy?
RE2: Got a nice base and starter CV with drill turret - next steps?
Presenting the Kestrel Corsair
"Why did you pledge for an MMO if you don't want to play with other people?"
Accidentally flew in a state park
GM teases new Bolt again
Do you use your dual level charger cable as a permanently fixed primary outdoor charging EVSE?
New Player
Half my house is losing power when the HVAC is turned “off”. When the HVAC is “on” the power comes back on. I check my breaker box and see this… what is going on?
A1 Blowing ships up
Is it worth respawning the sabertooth after killing it the first time?
Is Stealth a viable mechanic in this game?
How does the teleporter work?
Pentaxid farming
Empyrion is on the List!
Getting Ice Mining Lasers
Update Preview: what’s next?
Tom Cruise mode activated.
ABRP and bluetooth device
am i pretty?
Auto Pulling
My map is blurry?