What is your biggest insecurity about your combat skills?
not really a meme, i just made this ´´genealogy tree´´ of metal and i want to know how i can improve it
A thrash riff I came up with while messing around.
Besides punk/hardcore, what do you listen to when you're bored of listening to metal?
The band with the most badass riffs ever.
What’s your favorite metal “banger” that everyone should listen to?
Chill Ba Ba watering plants and feeding fish. He's in Pyin Oo Lwin right now.
Wut song r u listening to right now ? If ur not listening to a song then wat did u last listen to ??
Favourite band from your local scene?
I said mayhem is overrated once and look where I am now
Ways to strengthen knuckles that aren’t bullshido?
how many of you know how to play the guitar??
I despise TikTok metalheads who know one band.
Since the standard subreddit is jelqing here's a normal post, my sister drew this
American trans people: OHHHH THE US IS SO TRANSPHOBIC [uncanny tier 1]
Does anyone watch Ko Aung Thu in this sub?
Untrained fat man challenges woman who has Taekwondo and Judo experience
reminder 2 stay hydrated my dudes 😎
Which combat sport would suit a one-armed, one-eyed, one-leggged man?
to flannel or not to flannel? (for bars and small concerts)
My last pic of my Queen Marika cosplay!
You’re under arrest
Should I kms now so that tomorrow my mom can say “my daughter died last year”?
Got 2nd place on my first Kata competition!