Which project should I pick up tomorrow?
Stealing food?
Overprotective boy during my miscarriage ❤️🩹
To my fellow Costco goers that prioritize protein, what are the staples of your Costco list?
Dad keeps biting his son
The misadventures of a$$ eating.
Do you think her ears will stand?
First puppy question
Had to put our girl to rest yesterday
I rent space 76
It’s my boy’s birthday today
Will his ears ever come up?!?!?
How early the black face starts to go grey. 1yr old vs 4.5yrs
AIO or is my boyfriend manipulative
Which 10+ year old 'normal' vehicle would you buy in a heartbeat as a daily driver if it was manufactured today?
Rambo slept and crossed the bridge. He didn’t move from his pillow or bed. We are so broken.
Comments about my dog being too skinny… is my vet wrong?
How do deal with tons of hair in house?
Question,are GSD normally freakishly strong.(7 mouths old in picture)SHE IS 9-10 MOUTHS OLD NOW.
Advice for moving house with a GSD?
To Fix or Not to Fix
How many of y’all have lost a GSD to cancer?
How I continued to make progress in life despite having constant brain fog.
Help me name my kitty! Have any creative or funny name ideas for my new cat?