Dimension Core or Harmony Conducter?
Persuade me not to max out BH cooldown?
CL, UW+, or CF
139 days 💀
Help me fix this
Advice on what to focus on upgrading
Szenario: So sieht eine Welt ohne Fleisch aus
Long post, but need some advice please. Kind of stuck, not sure what's best to further my game.
Today I will be completely finished with all econ labs
New highest CPM, so close to 200b
When you bought the theme background for sweet the 0.8% coin increase without checking the relics first
So, the Nuke card is just completely useless?
Suddenly, 500M/min
Do we know smt about the next update?
Teaser for the next event - Howling Wolf
Opinions Requested: How many days of © savings is Rend Armor worth?
Cells question. How do DW and Enh bonus stack?
One month of economy focus
Another brick in the wall!
Is there a better way to use the Discord I'm not seeing?
New UW relic affects spotlight which is cool
Well im lucky I was watching
How does perma cf with gc work?
rend armour??
When you ask a question in the discord chat for help instead of Reddit