Be honest, How bad is it?
I sold this painting for $400 worth it?
My mom hates that I wear vintage clothes
Before and after Totally hair Barbie
What does my art sound/taste/smell like?
Should I cut my hair? Think it might be holding be back in dating where I live. Wondering if i have too feminine features
I want to die
16 - 23
1.5 years, first time he EVER jumped on my lap.
How many of you actually sleep 8 hours straight?
I don’t want to do anything
Should I get double upper nostrils or eyebrow piercing
Got this for $12 at goodwill
“Just the house,” I said…
My mom is driving me crazy
Selling all my BRATZ rip
Found this cute kitty for $3.99!
How can i cut my hair to look like the mannequin?
Which facial hair suits me best?
Found a vintage afghan blanket
Beauty Predictions 2025 (after spending a lot of time on Tik Tok)
Mom makes me feel guilty for not going to church
Got this today!
What am I doing wrong?
Selling all these old paintings at an art show for $10-20 each