10 Years Anniversary of Blank Space Music Video!
...Baby One More Time Music Video Earns 1 Billion Views Today!
November 10th for Swifties Be Like...(Meme)
Are you a Swiftie? (Meme)
Skinny Jeans Then vs. Nowadays (Meme)
Skinny Jeans Then vs. Nowadays
The Beginning of The Nobody Be Like...(Meme)
If SU characters took an Exam. (My Interpretation)
If SU Characters Babysat for the First Time (Meme)
Creepy Patch Kids
POV: Mid-Service Boot on Hell's Kitchen (Meme)
It's Happened! Taylor now has 60 Million Subscribers on Youtube!!!
Swifties Waiting for Rep TV
1989 era shot by me
Discussion: Was "Be an Alpha" Made to be Sped Up? (My Opinion)
The Two Sides of Debut (inspired by haunted_tears)
TS Posters for SU Characters, Pt. 1
What Taylor Swift Albums match each characters personality/what they would listen to on a repeat?
Theory: Rock isn't the first person to use a Pre-Packaged Dish, just the first to admit it.
I'm back.
Hello, what do think about my book (description) ?