Travelled for 4 hours by train in Switzerland to capture this gem
Don't make a mistake
At least show me something I might buy?
Daily occurrence near my dorm
How the fuck do you folks pronounce her name?
Did this person just make up a flag representing the Jewish calendar? Seems like they went out of their way not to use the Israeli flag.
Tries to tk me, blames me...?
C'mon. let's us be honest now.
IRL Shipgirls of the day #626-ROC Chang Feng
Anyone else glad Techno isn’t seeing this?
IRL Shipgirl of the day #625-ROC Fu Po
What if Germany and Japan's fates were swapped after WWII?
What is the most consumed food in your world?
IRL Shipgirl of the day #624-HIQMS Hai Yung
IRL Shipgirl of the day #623-ROC Chen Wu
Watching 1.11. What’s with the 3d graphics
Makima has the most disrespected death of all of CSM
I'm not too familiar with the pfand system and pfand machine at Kaufland just rolled it back out at me. Can anyone tell me what could be the problem?
So... Why is the scarecrow so warm?
Jeoy is tired of Garnt's shit
It would be very cool if you didn't do that, Lufthansa.
Seeing the plane that ended the war is an incredible experience in person
The most common foreign nationals in each Japanese prefecture! 🇯🇵
Actual argument I've heard from some of you mfs
"My characters will play among us over discord call, copyright be damned"