Is there a reason I don't see kurikara divincarnate used more in modern yugioh? is for sale with the app ($6,000)
Appraisal -
What are the best times to handtrap Drytron?
4L .net vs 4L .com
Done pre-farming for Pyro Archon, now gotta play the waiting game
Your Domain Appraisal Opinion on Domain Names I Own
Selling Aged 3 Letter Domain
How many oscilloscopes do you own?
How Many Oscilloscopes Do You Own?
i got an offer on a domain...
Domains For Sale
I got scammed for a total of $5500 thinking that the scammer's family got held hostage.
Are we ever gonna afford to play the game anymore?
What is the most you ever spend on a domain name?
If Anime characters were real, which character would you want to go out with?
Kurikara ruling question
Is the Banlist Post Real?
Is the Bnlist Fake?
Is the banlist Fake?
Is the Banlist Reddit Post Fake?
Is the Banlist post fake?
Mirrorjade Ruling question
What synchro monsters should I use for today's meta?