Do you know anybody named Greg?
theyre NOT realizing 🙏🙏
William just made this post on his twitter…
be funny
Which community is more insane ? (Posted on both redits for research)
Just took a few selfies
Rate the room rate the room XD would y'all come over to hangout in here? <:
Hey guys...I guess that's it for us...
What have we learned
My objectively correct opinion on European countries
The first official Guardian Articles Post!
flowey teaches you a lesson
Terraria Pandora's box entity
What song is playing?
Anyone else notice how Dokuro misspelled Servants of the Scourge twice? (Horrible paint drawing of the Devourer of Gods included so it's high effort)
Stuff idk 😶
First post also I found this
The end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end is never the end
Mods, since this is a thing, can you please ban everyone from posting anything for, like, a day to give them a sign?
This kid was angry over a murder drones fan💀
Will caseoh eat me? The game is prodigy math
How do you craft your chest?
My fellow /S fuckers, how do we feel about this tone tag??
SILKSONG£ᵐᵐᵐᶠᵖ@£ᵎᵖᶠᵐᵃᵃᵇᶠ*RELEASE DATE REVᴬᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵇᵐᵐᵇᵐJUN£TWENTᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃᵃ,..ᵉᵈ.ᵈ.202#jfznjzzbbʰᵐᵃᵃᵃᵃDONTFoRGETᵃʰʰᵃᵐᶜᵇᵇSHAWNET!!!!!!!!BWAHAHAHAHAʰᵃʰᵃʰʰᵃ.ᶻ.ʰᵃ......ᵃ.ᵃ.ᴬᴬᴬʰᵎ........ᵃ..