So I bought germanium now what?
Hey Matbock, Fuck You
Are there men who enjoy doing oral?
Ugly or Ugly Af ?
opener so good half your squad gets banned
What are these missile placeholder things?
Machine gunner's kit A-Tacs FG (Moss).
USAF F-16 equipped with AIM-120 and AIM-9 sidewinder
Would you pay $7.24 for one chicken fajita taco?
The stars at night are big and bright!
You can ban anyone from going anywhere
What is your age without saying how old you are?
Americans how are you feeling right now?
Elon musk doing a nazi salute at the whitehouse. Unreal
Bringing American made NVGs outside of the USA?
I better not see g-12
First time this has happened
An armed A-10 Thunderbolt II banks while firing a missile [3000x2318]
Interesting Mig-29A at Nellis AFB.
Eotech PVS31s on sale
What type of car does my best friend drive?
Radar-cross-section software or otherwise
How do you all feel about letting your car run in the cold mornings? I know idling is frowned upon. But it seems like a few minutes wouldn’t hurt.
I have an addiction, buying KAC rails.