How I started a dog poop scoop company and generated 200k in revenue in our first year of business 😀🐶💩
I FINALLY FC'D A SONG THAT'S A 7/7 IN DIFFICULTY! Also, if you're wondering why the stars aren't gold stars, it's because I prefer to play on hard instead of expert.
I think I’m going insane over this…bug(?)
When I’m asked to give a discount to an old retiree in a million dollar house meanwhile I live in a 2 bedroom condo scraping by
OpenPhone stopped working completely for me
Client from today, how would you approach this?
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Will someone detail for me how they are able to make 1K in a day on Commercial store front jobs?
Can I get an advise
Feeling awkward about my idea for a pet waste removal business
Scrub looking for advice: i can flawless S.O.M.P without much trouble but charts like Basket Case absolutely trip me up. Any tips for those?
How do I reach Citibank customer servicereps by phone?
Switch from Rentec to Rent Manager- Who Has Done This Before?
guys please help im crying so hard whats happenning it eont go away i tried resetting its not getting fixed and my laptop didnt overheat or anything plz help fast m crying so hard
I have the best sister ever!
I've created a marketplace to sell sleepy or failed startups
What’s one thing that you find easy to do compared to other people that find it complicated?
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How many years would a maxed out Macbook Pro last me?
is this a good configuration for college?
Window screen repair business
I Barely Won
Game Crashes On BO6 Beta - PC
Can we get a Separator Category for Category Groups? I just want to separate my monthly subs from my yearly ones but I don't think that warrants a whole new group
Old Timer (pre solana) Needs Help Sending Coins