Pop-punk/ Emo songs about grieving?
Surprised and curious
USA under 16 and El Salvador under 16
This sprouted in my monstera plant. Moved to a tiny cup. Any ideas as to what it is? The leaves seem to close at night.
Got these actiniopteris radiata a week ago. Any advice for their care?
Olympic National Park suggestions
My little corner of paradise
Started two weeks ago with some water kefir and a wild ginger bug... last night worked til I ran out of jars and tonight I'm picking up a lot of 30 1 gal jars from craigslist...
Boyfriend (21M) wants me and another girl to give him head the next time we meet up, and I’m throughly uncomfortable.
I wish I hadn't bothered aligning them so I never would've noticed...
Oh yes🥴🥴
Pedophile freaks out after getting caught.
How my boy tells me he's hungry. Never makes eye contact. Just the paw.
Was give this cutting and told to put it in water, but I have no idea what it is! Please help!
3-4 Week Road Trip to US West National Parks Advice?
The progression of the split leaves on my monstera is pretty neat 💚
This is my drawing, done in charcoal and graphite pencils. It's the most detailed piece in my portfolio.
Can we make this happen?
Paternity test should be part of the routine blood work every time a baby is born.
After years of struggling with my self esteem due to my hair being so thin and my bald patches showing I decided to take the plunge and get rid of that which made me so unhappy and I think I'm gonna rock this look!
Just the absolutely incredible execution
What are some foods that are marketed as healthy but aren’t actually healthy for you?
We always find a way to destroy the planet. Side effects
Losing bottom leaves. Is this normal or indicative of something lacking? Plant otherwise seems healthy.