BREAKING VIDEO: Top Pentagon Advisor Reveals On Hidden Camera Conversation “with a Couple of Retired Generals to Explore What We Can Do” to ‘Protect People from Trump’
68% of Greenlanders support independence from Denmark, 57% support joining America
What do you think is the most animal House moment for Vir?
How do y’all feel about the 2nd and 3rd Great Awakenings?
The Americans Start Coming and They Dont Stop Coming | Evolution of the United States (1790-2025)
The most accurate translation of the Bible I can find is the Updated American Standard Version.
*Not trying to be hateful* What if Trump died on Jul 13?
Assault Fine < Insult Fine?
What’s your favorite “villain ship” in a galaxy far, far away?
The Nations of Afghanistan and Pakistan Are About to Go to War: What Are Your Thoughts on This?
What Star Wars theories do you personally believe to be true?
You Bester watch out, You Bester not cry.
The Rule of the Shining Path and the Peruvian Genocide (1992-1998)
People need to stop jumping to conclusions so quickly
A priest gifted me this book. He gave me a warning about it and I don't understand why
What happens to Syria now? I’ll return to this post a year from now to see which predictions are the most accurate.
Still haven't named this timeline (suggestions?) Essentially Grant dies at Donelson and Gettysburg is a disastrous loss for the Union, leading to the Democrats winning in 1864 and making peace. Then, as an independent nation, the South collapsed instantly. See it play out through boxes in chrono.
President Trump Tells PM Justin Trudeau Canada Could Become 51st State
Manifest Destiny
Thoughts on Maximilian I of Mexico?
Buyer Returned Wrong Item
Quiet Rant - can’t upgrade iOS anymore
The German Parties for the Snap Election in February.
Rural counties in California and Illinois push to secede from blue states to separate from liberal-run cities: report
What are your thoughts on Charlemagne?