Pirate, self proclaimed hacker and giant nerd, thinks he has better ping because of his internet speed of 3gb up/down. (Ping is mainly distance based).
25.S1.2 Full Patch Preview
25.S1.2 Patch Preview
Titles rules for posting are cringe <3just me or are tanks super op rn ??
Silenced for Speaking the Truth: Why Removing Rewards Hurts League's Players
Not getting rewards for leveling up.
Thanks for everything Riot games.
RiotPhroxzon's review after two full days of data
Best of the Worst: Wheel of the Worst #29
Isn't this season the worst update we've gotten in a long time?
25.S1.1b Micropatch Preview
Riot games pls dont delete this post
Why are league players not complaining about the majority of f2p rewards being removed ?
T3 Boots winrate
I've been addicted to League for 5 years now and this patch finally helped me quit
Question to all casiopeea mains!!
Feats should be reworked into something both teams can unlock
Key fragments became useless now
Why are so many new champion releases black or brown
Welcome to Noxus | Dev Update - League of Legends
RiotPhroxzon on Season Start
Since new patch, Briar does NOT get vision on targets she self-taunts her to.
The new patch is VERY imbalanced.
Having First blood as one of the Feats of Strength will lead to unprecendented levels of toxicity
Legendary Mythmaker Jhin voice lines