Annus horribilis man has pint in pub for horrible anuses.
Why are libs convinced they can make fascism go away by winning a debate?
F21 I was dared to post this. Do your worst!
‘Name the day, name the hour’: Former Scottish First Minister throws down gauntlet as Elon Musk influence brings Labour government to the brink
Why are Libs still convinced they can make fascists go away via owning them in a debate?
Do ED Doctors / Nurses /HCA’s need to unionise and strike ?
3… 2… 1… GO!
The post above is why dartrix is shocked
What were the Blair years like?
I get the "Snowthem" but what does the "Two melts together" mean?
Someone I'm following on Instagram posted this. I thought the trans scarf was cute :(
An apolitical stance is a political stance.
Who are the best anarchist writers around at the moment?
🥀🏴 Labour billboard in Scotland vandalised: “Independence — then what?” ➡️ “An END to bloody imperialism. Old Tory/New Labour — same difference”
I've never really been political but last summer's fascist riots and Musk's sponsorship of Farage and Robinson have made me realise I can't ignore it any longer. How do I get involved in organising?
Stay safe chads 😢 💔
I was directed to post this here… (satire)
🎶…Us poor folk haven’t got a chance unless we organise…🎶
Which Side Are You On?
What electoral fraud looks like
Not the OP. Rediscovered this on my phone and it made me chuckle.
🥀 Finished party
I’m sick and tired of ppl speaking their language at work
We’ve been destroyed with facts and logic by the Britain’s second most hateful newspaper.
When will white middle aged community leaders come out and condemn the behaviour of the men in their culture?
“I'm already in tears” Why should I be In tears Pet-ah?
[deleted by user]
Thumbs up to making life more miserable for the homeless.