30m - Bored stay at home hubby
30m - Bored stay at home hubby [Friendship]
[30/m] Bored stay at home hubby
Well back to square one I guess
AITA for spending “too much time” on my phone?
AITA for expecting a ride home?
WIBTA For skipping out on Christmas with my extended family this year because they invited my estranged mom
AITA for never being able to/wanting to hang out with my friend?
AITA Waited 11 hours
AITA - Kinda lost about my first real relationship
AITA for get upset over a "joking" voicemail from her friends
AITA for refusing to let my fiancé’s best friend officiate our wedding because he believes he’s a psychic?
AITA for uninviting my Mom to my wedding, because she is homophobic
AITA for going against what my partner wants and moving my wedding date before his sisters?
AITA for telling my (21m) girlfriend (23f) I don't want her sending pictures of her boobs to a gay friend
AITA for refusing to do chores during work time?
Venoms a hero now
AITA for calling out my best friend’s girlfriend
AITA for making a joke about my course evaluations?