Recommendations for someone who can reline a pond in Southern suburbs
What everyone up to tonight?
Merry Christmas from Jet!
Intern tips for ED
Plastics Intern Rotation
Adelaide Hills - Pick your own cherry recommendations.
Charity Christmas Gift wrapping (where?)
Longer lasting makeup for oily skin
Lymphoma Diagnosis
I woke up with a missing toe
Greyhound in a Suzuki swift?
The bloody long walk
What kind of working out do you do?
No we can't force people to stop using meth
My expensive dog bowl (waterfall) is done
What should I do while I'm in Adelaide?
What's your greyhounds favourite meal?
First dog recommendations? 🐶
Crime scene at lambton pool
Paediatric Cannulation
Nicknames for your hounds?
Is my body just not made for clothes?!
Has anyone seen this before on they’re whippets/greyhounds?
This went better than expected :p