for me it’s illusions, specifically when someone actually knows what parrying does
Is Hunter x Hunter better than the big 3?
Look to your left, what's the first thing you could grab as a weapon in a zombie apocalypse?
Which item got you like this when you get it
Whats y'all favorite map? (Image unrelated)
What would you remove from item asylum?
Google is fucking tweaking dude
I didn’t know you could do this with BLJ
Question about the Hall of Fame
I tore off the parental advisory sticker and now there is this really ugly mark
Need help with number 5
When you do “serifs”, do you do it in a separate stroke or what?
Who wins?
Which One Piece character do you share a birthday with? Here's mine.
Hot pockets on pizza. Because I don’t give a fuck.
shaking and crying… i can’t believe i drew this
Breakfast Nachos.... Smash or Pass?
Little drawing I did a few days ago
Worst Family Mottos
Exactly how strong and durable are chimps compared to humans
SFAH: Weapons that you wouldn't want to use in a zombie apocalypse