I know what I'd choose
Oh my gosh melted - “home”
Barack & Michelle Obama
14 H fr
Guys where do you pee?
Pick one for ride which would you pick 🎅🎅
Moo trying to step off the basin
[OC] "Guys where do you pee?" Reddit comments visualised
I want one
Do you wanna
Choose wisely 😌 😉 👌 😏
Why does my owl have a face on its behind?
I remain unaffected.
What the hell is this?
I worked really hard for this.
Would you sleep here for one million dollars? 🎅🎅🦀💲
Choose wisely
What's your highest negative streak? Heres mine:
Please let it be tasty!!!
Is my family safe?
This is Ed
Hard Work Pays Off