Thoughts on BWB
How many armies do you all have?
Berric Dondarrion l, The Lightning Lord
Kingdoms of Men profiles
Brotherhood pre orders
Speed painted color test for Darkstar's Retinue
Thoughts on this nights watch list
Targ list
[Xbox] W: Magic scorpion charm H: Runes, ask
[XBOX] W: helm of night H: ask,mule,most base game
[Xbox] W: Millicent's prosthesis H: ask
[Xbox] W: sword of darkness and or any other new dlc weapons🙏 H: +karma, mule, or ask for almost anything from my other account
W: Maxed weapons/ Runes H: Maxed Weapons/ Runes (Xbox)
Rest of the year looks meh in terms of game releases
Mando and grogu
Thoughts on certified guild
What day and time is the adepticon preview?
Mando !
That’s good business squad pack
Worth it?
How to start?